
Manufactured facing stone Teutonic Brick


Teutonic knights became a magnificent legend of ancient times long ago. Although, this famous German military religious order was disbanded not so long ago, to be precise, in the 19th century during the Napoleonic wars. From a small brotherhood created to protect and treat sick and wounded compatriots, the union of warrior monks turned into a powerful military force and became famous due to its numerous conquests and victories when fighting against the enemies of the Catholic Church. After joining the chivalric and military order, the knights constantly worked on improving their combat training and on the search for new forms of protective armor and enemy smashing weapons.
Conquering new lands, the knights of the Teutonic Order built inaccessible castles as their bases and dominated the local population. The Thorn Castle, the Schaaken Castle, the Königsberg Castle, the Malbork castle, the Preussisch Eylau, these famous Teutonic fortresses still amaze us with the grandeur of Gothic architecture. They have a rich history shrouded in numerous mysteries and legends. The centuries-old rule by Grand Masters of the Order on the territory of Poland has left more than 90 massive stone structures to the descendants. When next to those ruins, it is easy to go back to the distant past and hear armor clanking and voices of bellicose and mighty warrior monks from the depths of centuries.


Manufactured facing stone Teutonic Brick


Manufactured facing stone veneer Teutonic Brick
Elements Weight per square
meter / linear meter (kg)
Quantity per package

Joint width

Price per sq. m. /
piece (ruble)
Flat 38 20  92 280  0,5 sq. m. 10 - 12 950 per sq. m.
Corner 9 20 92 95, 230 1,5 linear meter 10 - 12 950 per linear meter

Декоративный облицовочный камень "Тевтонский кирпич" артикул 01

Item No.  01

Декоративный облицовочный камень "Тевтонский кирпич" артикул 02

Item No. 02

Декоративный облицовочный камень "Тевтонский кирпич" артикул 03

Item No. 03

Декоративный облицовочный камень "Тевтонский кирпич" артикул 04

Item No. 04 

Декоративный облицовочный камень "Тевтонский кирпич" артикул 05

Item No. 05

Декоративный облицовочный камень "Тевтонский кирпич" артикул 06

Item No. 06

Декоративный облицовочный камень "Тевтонский кирпич" артикул 07

Item No. 07

Декоративный облицовочный камень "Тевтонский кирпич" артикул 08

Item No. 08

Декоративный облицовочный камень "Тевтонский кирпич" артикул 09

Item No. 09

Декоративный облицовочный камень "Тевтонский кирпич" артикул 010

Item No. 010

Декоративный облицовочный камень "Тевтонский кирпич" артикул 011

Item No. 011

Декоративный облицовочный камень "Тевтонский кирпич" артикул 012

Item No. 012

Декоративный облицовочный камень "Тевтонский кирпич" артикул 013

Item No. 013

Декоративный облицовочный камень "Тевтонский кирпич" артикул 014

Item No. 014

Декоративный облицовочный камень "Тевтонский кирпич" артикул 015

Item No. 015

Декоративный облицовочный камень "Тевтонский кирпич" артикул 016

Item No. 016

Тевтонский кирпич - угловые элементы

Corner elements



Metric area (sq. m.), Discount Price (ruble)
up to and including 50 950
from 51 to 100  (-5%) 902,5
from 101 to 200 (-7%) 883,5
from 201 to 400  (-10%) 855
more than 401 call us



8 800 700-82-99

phone: 8 (843) 253-70-27
8 (843) 249-42-58

e-mail: art-stone116@mail.ru

The Art-Stone Company
Aktaiskaya st, 21|2, Kazan 420054, Republic of Tatarstan, Russia
Yamasheva pr, 93, Kazan 420000, Republic of Tatarstan, Russia

● Hours:
MONDAY - FRIDAY: from 8:00 am till 6:00 pm (no lunch break)
SATURDAY: from 8:00 am till 3:00 pm (no lunch break)
SUNDAY: closed