
Manufactured facing stone Maltese Fort



Malta is a small island, but it has a lot of the most diverse fortifications built in different epochs. Inaccessible, unshakable and powerful watchtowers, fortresses, barracks, armory chambers inspire veneration and remind of the glorious times of chivalry.
The Military Order of Malta is the world's oldest religious order of the Roman Catholic Church created to protect the Holy Land and to care for the poor, sick or wounded pilgrims. Despite the 21st century raging outside the window, the Order of Malta still exists and leases from the state some of the famous Maltese Fort St. Angelo.
In the 14th century, Fort St. Angelo was known as the Castle by the Sea (Castello al Mare in Italian). After the arrival of the Hospitallers, Fort St. Angelo became the main residence of the Grand Master of the Order. Knights of the Order of St. John (a.k.a. the Order of Hospitallers) greatly strengthened this famous castle increasing its military power tenfold, and this helped them many times to withstand the long and determined sieges of Ottoman soldiers, Arab and Berber pirates. Thus Fort St. Angelo earned its place in history over centuries and it still attracts thousands of tourists and historians around the world.

Manufactured facing stone Maltese Fort


Manufactured facing stone Maltese Fort
Flat / Corner
Weight per
square meter /linear
meter (kg)
Quantity per package Price (rub)
Flat 40 15-30  variable variable variable 1400 руб.
big corner

small corner

15 - 30

15 - 30

170 х 90

170 х 90
 variable 1400 руб. за пог.м

1400 руб. за 1 пог.м

Manufactured facing stone veneer Maltese Fort

Item No. 01

Manufactured facing stone veneer Maltese Fort

Item No.02

Manufactured facing stone veneer Maltese Fort

Item No.03

Manufactured facing stone veneer Maltese Fort

Item No.04

Manufactured facing stone veneer Maltese Fort

Item No.06

Manufactured facing stone veneer Maltese Fort

Item No.07

Manufactured facing stone veneer Maltese Fort

Item No.08

Manufactured facing stone veneer Maltese Fort

Item No.09

Manufactured facing stone veneer Maltese Fort

Item No.010 

Manufactured facing stone veneer Maltese Fort

Item No.011

Manufactured facing stone veneer Maltese Fort

element 1
"Templar Seal"
(280×280 mm)
- 350 rubles per 1 

Manufactured facing stone veneer Maltese Fort

element 2
"Royal Lion"
(280×280 mm)
- 350 rubles per 1

Manufactured facing stone veneer Maltese Fort

element 3
"Celtic dagger"
(280×190 mm)
- 200 rubles per 1

Manufactured facing stone veneer Maltese Fort

element 4 
"Maltese Cross"
(190×190 mm)
- 150 rubles per 1

Manufactured facing stone veneer Maltese Fort

Corner elements


Maltese Fort Gallery


Metric Area (sq. m.), Discount Price (ruble)
up to and including 50 1400
from 51 to 100  (-5%) 1330
from 101 to 200 (-7%) 1302
from 201 to 400  (-10%) 1260
more than 401 call us



8 800 700-82-99

phone: 8 (843) 253-70-27
8 (843) 249-42-58

e-mail: art-stone116@mail.ru

The Art-Stone Company
Aktaiskaya st, 21|2, Kazan 420054, Republic of Tatarstan, Russia
Yamasheva pr, 93, Kazan 420000, Republic of Tatarstan, Russia

● Hours:
MONDAY - FRIDAY: from 8:00 am till 6:00 pm (no lunch break)
SATURDAY: from 8:00 am till 3:00 pm (no lunch break)
SUNDAY: closed